Get a Fresh Start with a Website Checkup

A website checkup can save you money and headaches!


We will give your site a good audit and let you know if your content is up-to-date, your site is performing the way it should, see if connections to social media and online marketing systems are working, we check for broken links, and most importantly, we can find out if your site is safe and secure from malicious activity. You will be provided with a report of what we find and how we can help to resolve any issues.

Update Content

We will check your site for content that may be out-of-date from images & contact info to services & pricing in your shopping cart.

Security Check

We will scan your site files for any viruses that may be affecting the performance of your site or emails related to that domain.

Mobile Responsive

We will test your site across multiple devices to make sure the mobile responsiveness is functioning.

Forms Check

We will test the forms on your site to ensure that they are submitting data & sending notifications properly.

SSL Certified

Google requires all websites to have SSL encryption or lose SEO rankings. If you do not have one we will install one for you.

Domain Renewal

We will make sure you know where your domain is registered, when it will come up for renewal, and confirm your contact and payment information.

Web Hosting

We will take a look at your current hosting plan and make sure you are not paying for services you don't use and the price is comparable.

Link Check

We will scan your site and let you know if you have any bad links or links that are no longer relevant to your site.

Get Started Today

FREE 30-minute web design consultation.
FREE website migration with the purchase of a hosting plan.

Website Mobile Conversion

Starting at $1150

  • 10 Pages • 1 Form • 3 mo. WordPress Startup Hosting

  • $ 95 each additional page

  • $ 250 each additional form


If you have a simple website that was built more than 3-5 years ago, and you haven't done any updates on it since the day it was launched, then this package may be exactly what you need. This conversion will take your current website's look and layout and convert it to a platform that is up-to-date with the latest technology while giving you the added ability to log in and update content on your own should you choose to.


Chances are your website is using outdated code and form scripts that nowadays are extremely vulnerable to hackers and malware. They can steal your email address, hack your forms and use your site to send out spam, thus getting your site suspended by your web host.


Furthermore, Google will penalize your listing for having a site that is being used for spam and now they require all sites to be SSL secured, even if it is not an e-commerce site. Google also no longer likes sites with Flash animation, because Flash does not run on mobile devices well, if at all. This brings me to the biggest reason you should take advantage of this deal.


Google will also penalize your listing if your site is not mobile-responsive. But more importantly, 52% of all web pages are viewed on mobile devices, and that number is rising! You don't want to miss out on 52% of potential sales leads.